Monday, October 2, 2017

What's up with BEPS [MARTIN, J.M]

Almost five years ago, I was reading the blog of one of my teachers at C.E. Garrigues, and I found an interesting topic called “BEPS and International Taxation”. The name sounded odd, my tax assistant didn’t understand a bit of it, but the content was astonishing. Quickly enough, I hurried up to explain that new view of world taxation on a Tax Conference organized by the Universidad Federico Villarreal in Lima, Peru. It was a very enlightening experience, as I had another of my tax teachers on one side of the table and a Tax Administration office on the other, during the presentation. Both were very interested on what I had to say. Thus, thanks to my postgraduate teacher, I was perhaps one of the first to talk about BEPS in Peru, right almost when it started. But, what is BEPS? What’s up with that topic? Let’s go back in time. <<< Read More >>

Lima, 21 de setiembre de 2017

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¿Qué está pasando con las casillas electrónicas? A próposito de la Resolución Administrativa N° 202-2024-CE-PJ [MARTIN, J.]

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